The Columbia Gorge International Film Festival (Formerly known as The Washougal International Film Festival)

In 2008 the Washougal International Film Festival was founded in Washougal, WA by Breven Angaelica Warren. With the intention of encouraging artists of all experience levels and focal points, The Washougal International Film Festival celebrates independent films. Through public screenings, and panel discussions, the event cultivates interaction between the community and the artists. In 2010, this festival has grown to extend past the Washougal Area, and so is now called the Columbia Gorge International Film Festival.

Artists are expected to portray a relevant topic through their film. This topic however doesn’t seem to limit the authors. As the Award for Best Western reveals, current issues are often the same as historic issues. Through a wide array of styles and settings, filmmakers present their work at the Washougal International Film Festival, working to produce the best in creativity, ingenuity, plot, details, and emotional appeal. And they do work hard. In addition to the recognition, with $20,000 of distributed to the winners during each annual event, The Columbia Gorge International Film Festival does a tremendous amount to help encourage these independent filmmakers.

Beginning her film work as a child, Warren has grown into a strong woman with experience and purpose. Equipped with a Bachelors of Art in Literature and Art History and a Bachelors of Science in Anthropology and Biology, Warren has a perfectly blended skillset to understand people and portray that in art. Both on the stage and off the stage, Warren has developed her craft. Her diligent work is invested in her belief of the power in the tool that is filmmaking. Her hometown of Washougal, WA both encouraged and inspired her in her work. And as thanks, Warren worked to bring the magic of the independent films to them in the form of this film festival. She watches all of the hundreds of movies that will be screened beforehand to ensure that what is shown is polished and presentable.

The 6th Annual Columbia Gorge International Film Festival will be in August again this year. Filmmakers and film lovers from across the globe will come together at this film festival which celebrates the local. From their first exposure, a local artist prepares beautiful posters for this event every year. To Vancouver, WA, local venues and vendors are used throughout the event. Visitors from far and near will see how celebrated this area is, truly honoring Warren’s intentions to honor her home community.

The film festival, free to all, stays true to its intention of celebrating the local artist as it invites local food vendors, farmers markets, and uses local bakeries to cater the Awards Ceremony. From Wednesday to Saturday, hundreds of films will play in multiple rooms, totaling 14 hours of rolling film a day. Afterwards, the Awards Ceremony will honor the exceptional. In a grand finale, the winners of the film festival will be shown all day Sunday, so that any who missed out on a film awarded as one of the best at the festival can remedy that mistake.

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